DSUM, DCOUNT and other DFunctions

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Microsoft Excel Functions and Formulas


DSUM, DCOUNT and other DFunctions

There are 12 of these Excel DFunctions available (DAVERAGE, DAVERAGEA, DCOUNT, DCOUNTA, DGET, DMAX, DMIN, DPRODUCT, DSTANDEV, DSTDEVP, DSUM, DVAR, DVARP) and they are all complicated and mostly useless when you discover the SUMPRODUCT formulas.

Basically these formulas allow you to do math on certain segments of your database. You create a criteria range (like the one you create for the "Advanced Filters") and you do the math on the segment of your database that is filtered.

The basic syntax is DFUNCTION(your database, the title of the column that you want to sum or count or...., your criteria range).

Discover the SUMPRODUCT Formulas, CLICK HERE!


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