Signs and Formulas in Excel


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Excel Chapter 9 of 24: Signs and Formulas in Excel

Here are the 16 spreadsheet signs used to develop Excel formulas. 14 of them are basic one is essential if you want to do more with Excel and the other one is rarely used.


What it Does




Open parenthesis


Close parenthesis


Separating arguments


From A1 to A23   A1:A23


Plus and is also used to separate arguments in SUMPRODUCT formulas




Multiplies and is also used to separate arguments in SUMPRODUCT formulas




Smaller than: used mostly within IF formulas


Greater than: used mostly within IF formulas

" "

What is within is text


Working with text, assembling strings (chains of characters), concatenation

Separating arguments (Metric system)


Absolute/Relative References


Returns the result of a number raised to a power


Transforms any content into text


=A will result in the error message #Name?  because Excel doesn't know a function by the name of A. =" A" will result  in A because you are saying with the double quotes that you want this cell to carry the character A.

=A1 will result in the value of cell A1 be it a number, a date or a string of character.

=3 will result in the number 3

=A1+A2+A3 will result in the sum of cells A1, A2 and A3. You can also use the SUM function =SUM(A1:A3) the colon meaning from/to.

=10/A1 will result in 10 divided by the value of cell A1. If cell A1 is empty or contains zero you end up with the error message #DIV/0!.

=IF(A1> 90,"A" ,"B" ) in plain English this formula says if the value of cell A1 is greater than 90 then the value of the cell in which resides this formula should be the letter A otherwise it should be the letter B. Notice the commas separating the three arguments of this IF formula. IF(condition, value if condition is true, value if condition is false)

=IF(A1< > 100,0,100) in plain English this formula says if the value of cell A1 is different  than 90 then the value of the cell in which resides this formula should be 0  otherwise it should be 100

=IF(A1< =100,0,100)in plain English this formula says if the value of cell A1 is smaller then or equal to 100  then the value of the cell in which resides this formula should be 0  otherwise it should be 100

If in cell A1 you have "Peter" and in cell A2 you have "Clark" the formula =A1 & A2 in A3 will result in "PeterClark" . If you want a space between the first name and surname you will use the formula =A1 & " " & A2 telling Excel to insert a space (Space between double quotes) between the values of cell A1 and cell A2.

You must learn to master the use of the dollar sign ($) if you want to start developing long and complex formulas that you would want to copy/paste. To insert $ signs within an address select it in the formula bar and click on the F4 key once, twice, three or four times as needed.

If in cell A1you have the formula =B6 it will become =B7 when you copy/paste it in cell A2 and it will become =C6 if you copy/paste it in cell B1 because the row and column are relative.

If in cell A1you have the formula =$B$6 you can copy/paste it anywhere, the address doesn't change because the row and column are absolute.

If in cell A1you have the formula =$B6 it will become =B7 when you copy/paste it in cell A2 and it will remain  =$B6 if you copy/paste it in cell B1 because the row is relative but the column are absolute.

If in cell A1you have the formula =B$6 it will remain  =B$6 when you copy/paste it in cell A2 and it will become  =C$6 if you copy/paste it in cell B1 because the row is absolute  but the column is  relative


Next Chapter: ISERROR Function in Excel

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Signs and Formulas in Excel