Modifying Macros in the Visual Basic Editor in Excel


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VBA Chapter 8 of 24: Modifying Macros in the Excel Visual Basic Editor

Note: The images and the text below refer to the workbook "vba-tutorial-editor.xls"

Let's begin by modifying the VBA procedure that we have recorded  earlier (Macro1). Open Excel, open the workbook "vba-tutorial-editor.xls" and go to the Visual Basic Editor. Double click on Module1 in the Project window and the following code will appear in the Code window.

Click in the code window and print the module for future reference "File/Print/Current Module"

Modifying macros in the code window

In the VBE editor you can modify the procedure as you would modify any text in Words or formula in Excel. You ca also modify the procedure as you are testing it step by step. You can rewind the execution and retest a single line.


Next Chapter: Starting a Macro in Excel

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613-749-4695 (Peter)
[email protected]

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Modifying Macros in the Visual Basic Editor in Excel