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VBA Part 23 of 25: Creating Userforms and Adding Controls

The form or userForm is also known as a GUI (Graphical User Interface). The form is used to require values, parameters and information from the user to feed the VBA procedure. Twelve different controls can be added to the userform they are called: Label, TextBox, ComboBox, ListBox, CheckBox, OptionButton, ToggleButton, Frame, CommandButton, TabStrip, MultiPage, ScrollBar.

Creating a userForm in VBA for Excel

Creating a form in VBA is quite easy. In the VBE (Visual Basic Editor ) you right click anywhere on your project in the VBAProject window and select "Insert/UserForm" and here is what you see:

In the list of components of your project the userform name appears . Anytime you want to work on your userform you double click on its name in the VBAProject window.

You can close the toolbar by clicking on its "X" and call it back by clicking on the toolbox icon on the toolbar

Testing the Userform

Anytime that you want to see your userform (finished product or work in progress) at work or when you  want to test it click on the "Run" button on the toolbar .  Your userform will show with Excel in the background. To return to the VB Editor just click on the "X" of the userform. Before you do this make sure that the userform is selected (not one of the controls).

Tab Order

The user can use the mouse to move from one control to the other but he should be able to move from one control to the other by entering a value in one and clicking "Enter" or "Tab". To make sure that the user moves from a control to the next one you need to set the tab order. To do so, right click on the form itself and select the "Tab Order" item. Follow the instructions. The first control in the list will be the one that is active (flashing cursor)  when the form is activated. Bring the controls that are not to be used by the user (labels) at the end of the list. In step 5 see how to "tab deactivate" a control.

The Userform Properties

When you double click on the form's name in the VBAProject window of the VBE the form appears and the Properties window shows you the properties of the form. In the Properties window of the VBE you can change the name "(Name)" of the form, its caption (the name in the blue band at the top) and any of the 32 other properties of the form.

When you name a form always use the prefix "frm" like in "frmDatabase" and be as descriptive as you can be so that your code will be easy to read. Always use one or more upper case letters in the name. When you write "frmdatabase.Show" in lower case letters Excel will capitalize some letters letting you know that the name is spelled correctly.

There are 5 properties to help you set colors, font and border style. You can disable the corner "X" of the form with the property "Enable" set at "False". You can have the mouse pointer change when it is over the form with the "MousePointer" property. By default the userform appears in the center of the screen. If you want it to show somewhere else set the "Start" property to "0-Manual" and use the "Top" and "Left" properties to set a new position.

Adding Controls

The tool box offers you 15 controls. They are (starting with the most used): Label, TextBox, CommandButton, ComboBox, ListBox, CheckBox, OptionButton, ToggleButton, Frame, TabStrip, MultiPage, ScrollBar, Image and RefEdit. To add controls to the form you left click on whatever control that you want in the Toolbox , hold the button down and drag the control on the form. You can now expand the control to the desired size. Once all your controls are on the form you left click on them and in the properties window you can change the properties of the selected control. You can also right click on them and select "Properties".

Managing Controls

You can move the controls by clicking on them holding and moving them around. You can resize them by selecting them and using the different handles around them. You can copy or cut them by right clicking on them and choosing the right menu item.

Once you have added your controls you might want to align a few of them or resize a few so that they are all the same size. To do so you first need to select many controls at the same time. To do so left click on the form near one of the controls that you want to select. Hold and drag drawing a frame that includes many controls.


When you let go of the button all the controls that are touched by the frame are selected.

Right click on any of the controls and this contextual menu appears:

You can then align the controls or make them the same size.

The Controls and their properties

There are 12 different controls that can be added to the userform or to a regular worksheet. Here are the most important ones and their properties.

When you select a control on the userform its properties are shown in the Properties window. The properties and the number of properties differ depending on the type of controls that you have selected. These properties can be changed in the Properties window of the VB editor or can be changed programmatically in a VBA procedure.

Set the "Name" property of all the controls that you will refer to in your VBA procedures. I encourage you to use prefixes and some upper case letters in these names (cbxCitx, txbCityName). Be as descriptive as possible to make your code clearer. The prefixes that I use are: command button (cmb), labels (lbl), combo boxes (cbx), text boxes (txb), list boxes (lbx), check boxes (ckb), radio button (rdb), toggle buttons (tbt), frames (fra), tab strips (tsp), multi pages (mpg), scroll bars (scb), spin buttons (spb), images (img) and ref edits (rfe). The controls that particularly need to be well named are the controls which eventual values you will be using in your procedures like the text boxes, the list boxes, the combo boxes, the option buttons and the check boxes. For example:
Range("A1").Value = txbCityName.Value
will  take the value entered by the user in the text box named tbxCityName and enter in cell A1 of the active sheet.

For most controls there are these general properties that allow you to set the font, the color of the font, the color of the background, the type of background, the type of border and other design features.

The "Caption" property contains the text shown on a label, a command button, a check box, an option button, a frame, a tab strip or a multi page.

Below are the other interesting properties that I use with different controls.


The label is a passive control meaning that the user never really acts on it. It is there to inform the user and to label other controls like text boxes, combo boxes or list boxes.

The other interesting properties of the label are:

- TabStop to make the control invisible for the "Tab" and "Enter" key (See Tab Order above).
- WordWrap to be able to write more that one line on a label.

Command Buttons

The command buttons are usually placed at the bottom of the form and serve to complete the transaction for which the form has been created. The caption of these buttons are usually "Go", "Run", "Submit", "Cancel".

The other interesting properties of the command button are:

- WordWrap to be able to write more that one line on a button,
- ControlTipText which generates a small comment box when the user moves the mouse over the control. You can use this property to give explanations and instructions about the command button,
- Enabled and Visible are properties that you can change programmatically to disable or render invisible a command button following a previous selection in another control of the userform,
- TabIndex is a property that you change through the "Tab Order" functionality as show above in the "Tab Order" section.

Text Boxes

The text box is the simplest control to require an entry from the user. The user types something in it and this value can then be used in your VBA procedure.

The other interesting properties of the text boxes are:

- WordWrap to be able to write more that one line on a button,
- ControlTipText which generates a small comment box when the user moves the mouse over the control. You can use this property to give explanations and instructions about the command button,
- Enabled and Visible are properties that you can change programmatically to disable or render invisible a command button following a previous selection in another control of the userform,
- TabIndex is a property that you change through the "Tab Order" functionality as show above in the "Tab Order" section.
- PasswordChar that allow you to choose a character for users submitting passwords,
- MaxLength to limit the number of characters entered by the user,
- Value or Text which is the text show in the text box when the userform is activated ("Enter your Name" for example)


Frames are also a passive control. Frames are used to improve the layout of the userform. You can use them around a group of option buttons or check boxes or around a group of text boxes or combo boxes that have something in common.

If you have two sets of 3 option buttons on a userform and you don't place them within a frame they all work together and you can choose only one in six. If you put each set within a frame you can choose one of three in each set.

Check Boxes and Option Buttons

The check boxes and the option buttons are both used to offer the user a choice. The main difference between check boxes and option buttons is that if you have 5 of each on a form a user can check all 5 check boxes but can only select one of the option buttons. See the note above on frame and option buttons. If you don't want to use frame to create groups of option buttons you will need to use the "GroupName" property of the option buttons. All option buttons with the same GroupName work together.

The other interesting properties of check boxes and option buttons are:

- WordWrap to be able to write more that one line in the caption,
- ControlTipText which generates a small comment box when the user moves the mouse over the control. You can use this property to give explanations and instructions about the command button,
- Enabled and Visible are properties that you can change programmatically to disable or render invisible an option button or a check box following a previous selection in another control of the userform,

Combo Boxes and List Boxes

The difference between a combo box and the list box is that the combo box is a drop-down list and the user can submit a single value either one of the values from the drop-down list or any other value. The list box shows a certain number of values with or without a scroll bar and the user can select on or more values but not a value that is not in the list.

Combo Box

 List Box

Combo Boxes

The interesting properties of combo boxes are:

- RowSource The values that should appear in the drop-down list of the combo box are submitted in the RowSource property. For example Sheet1!A1:A12 will feed the list with the values residing in cells A1 to A12 of the sheet with the Caption "Sheet1". The rules to submit the RowSource property is the caption of the sheet where the list resides followed by an exclamation mark (!), the address of the first cell, a colon and the address if the last cell. IMPORTANT NOTE: if there is a space or a special character in the caption of the sheet where the list resides you must surround it with simple quotes like in 'This sheet'!A1:A12.
- ListRows is the number of values shown in the drop-down list. If you show less than the complete list a scroll bar is added automatically.
- MatchRequired is by default set to false meaning that the user can submit any value in the combo box. If you want the user to be limited to the values in the list set this property to True.
- Text should contain the value shown in the combo box when the userform is activated (Select a City, for example).
- ControlTipText which generates a small comment box when the user moves the mouse over the control. You can use this property to give explanations and instructions about the combo box.

- ColumnCount is the number of columns of values that you want shown in the drop-down list. For example if you want to show part number and part name in the list you will submit a RowSource like Sheet1!A1:B12 with the part numbers in column A and the part names in column B
- ColumnWidth is the width of all the columns shown in the drop-down list of the combo box.
- BoundColumn is the column from which the value is drawn for the final value of the combo box. For example if the part number is in column A of the RowSource and the part name is in column B of the RowSource when the user select a value only column A or column B will become the final value of the combo box . So if you set the value of BoundColumn to 1 the part number becomes the final value. If you set BoundColumn to 2 the part number becomes the final value.

Cascading Combo Boxes

Here is a simple form requiring the user to select a type of wood for his hardwood flooring and then a color. All the colors are not available for all the types of wood. When the type of wood is selected in the first combo box the user should only be able to select a color that is available for the selected type of wood. These are cascading combo boxes.


You set the list of values for the first combo box in the RowSource property as described above. For the list of values in the second combo box some programming is needed. With the proper code you can even avoid the "Selected" button. The procedure moves on as soon as the user has selected a color. You can also validate the input to make sure that the user has selected both a type of wood and a color.

See the chapter on VBA code for userforms and controls.

List Boxes

The interesting properties of list boxes are:

- RowSource The values that should appear in the drop-down list of the combo box are submitted in the RowSource property. For example Sheet1!A1:A12 will feed the list with the values residing in cells A1 to A12 of the sheet with the Caption "Sheet1". The rules to submit the RowSource property is the caption of the sheet where the list resides followed by an exclamation mark (!), the address of the first cell, a colon and the address if the last cell. IMPORTANT NOTE: if there is a space or a special character in the caption of the sheet where the list resides you must surround it with simple quotes like in 'This sheet'!A1:A12.
- MultiSelect is set to 1 if you want the user to be able to select many values from the list.
- Height The number of values shown in the list will depend on the height of the list box. You can set the height here or on the userform itself by stretching it. If the number of values in your RowSOurce is greater than what can be shown in the list box a scroll bar is added automatically.
- Text should contain the value shown in the combo box when the userform is activated (Select a City, for example).
- ControlTipText which generates a small comment box when the user moves the mouse over the control. You can use this property to give explanations and instructions about the combo box.

- ColumnCount is the number of columns of values that you want shown in the list box. For example if you want to show part number and part name in the list you will submit a RowSource like Sheet1!A1:B12 with the part numbers in column A and the part names in column B
- ColumnWidth is the width of all the columns shown in the drop-down list of the combo box.
- BoundColumn is the column from which the value is drawn for the final value of the combo box. For example if the part number is in column A of the RowSource and the part name is in column B of the RowSource when the user select a value only column A or column B will become the final value of the combo box . So if you set the value of BoundColumn to 1 the part number becomes the final value. If you set BoundColumn to 2 the part number becomes the final value

Multi Pages

The multi pages control is used to develop more elaborate userforms where the user can see a different set of controls on each of many pages. In the example below the user can choose a set of primary parameters on one page and a set of secondary parameters in the second page.

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Tips on VBA for Excel